WP Average Salaries for NetOps Engineers with DDoS Experience


Average Salaries for NetOps Engineers with DDoS Experience in the US

Average Salaries for NetOps Engineers with DDoS Experience in the US

Global demand for network engineers who have DDoS mitigation skills has continued to grow over the last six months, as confirmed by our analysis. We took a look into the situation and found that several factors come in to play. Among them are the prevalence of DDoS attacks, a lack of new graduates to feed the demand, and competition from DDoS vendors for NetOps experts.

In the race for recruiting qualified candidates, salaries are competitive to sweeten the deal. If you’re looking to hire a network engineering professional with DDoS experience, the data from Indeed.com tells us you’ll have to shell out more.

Here’s what the salaries for NetOps engineers with DDoS skills in US cities looks like. You can zoom in and see details in the image below.

For a deeper look into trends in hiring for this specific skill set, take a look at our article “Why Learning DDoS Mitigation Can Get NetOps Pros a Raise.” We believe the scarcity of qualified personnel and a rising demand from companies and security vendors for this specific experience is an opportunity for NetOps professionals looking to grow their career in security.