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Data discovery and classification

Data security and privacy regulations are constantly evolving. Developing a strong compliance program can be costly and challenging. Imperva’s Data Security Fabric (DSF) can assist with regulatory needs and make audit management a breeze.

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152% ROI over 3 years

Forrester’s Total Economic Impact report shows that Imperva greatly lowers costs and has great ROI

Mitigating privilege abuse

Insider vs. outsider data breaches are exceeded by 10:1, and privileged insiders can do more damage

Rising SQL injection attacks

Imperva’s Threat Research found that 50% of database breaches came from attacks like SQL injection

Compliance costs, liabilities, and risk

Compliance and privacy challenges can be costly if you don’t know where your global data is.

Compliance costs liabilities and risk mobile
  • Bad user behaviors violate Data Security policy

    Managing privileged user data access is difficult to enforce across large enterprises, but is a major factor in compliance readiness.

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  • Technology advances increase global data sprawl

    Organizations must know where all of their sensitive data is, who can access it, and what they do with it and when - or risk audit failure and data breaches.

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  • Gathering forensic evidence takes many resources

    Manually generating the reports auditors require can be time consuming for staff - even with access to all of the relevant records.

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  • Ignoring compliance requirements can cost you

    A negative audit finding, or data breach, can lead to large potential fines, and the costs from increased regulatory scrutiny that can last for years.

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Mitigate risks, reduce processes and costs

Businesses should reduce audit response time, automate data inventories, and increase record retention.

Streamline reduce costs and mitigate risks mobile
  • Data discovery, classification, and risk assessment

    Business data needs to be automatically discovered, classified, control access to data, and avoid non-compliance issues while mitigating their exposure to risk.

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  • Audit record retention and archiving are crucial

    Organizations should automatically store audit records and log archives across all data repositories to keep information readily available and accessible for audits.

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  • Reporting and compliance proof

    Out-of-box reports for regulations such as: SOX, PCI, NYDFS, HIPAA, GDPR, and CPRA enables organizations to respond to auditors and prove compliance rapidly.

  • Satisfy separation of duty requirements

    Responsibility for audits should be segmented from overall data management, so organizations can monitor privileged users independently of any audit responsibilities.

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Reduce risk and the cost of compliance

Automate to speed through audits

Reduce costs, increase efficiency

Avoid fines and brand damage

How Imperva can help you with data compliance

Imperva Data Security Fabric (DSF)

Imperva Data Security Fabric (DSF) automates, simplifies, and lowers the cost of regulated data compliance and security for business data assets.

Data Discovery & Classification

Continuously discover and classify valuable data whether structured or unstructured and located on-premises, hybrid, cloud, or multi-cloud environments.